Photo: August 2005 Archives

An ode to Marble Madness

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Marble Madness is, quite possibly, the finest game ever created. Kevin and I have been playing this game with a near religious fervor, for the last two months. The shit-talking that goes on between us cannot be explained to others, who have not been touched by the greatness that is Marble Madness.

At first, Kevin and I were peers in this game, but in the last month, he has really eclipsed me in his craft at this game:


Having vanquished out all of my high scores long ago, he has now eliminated all of the sub 100,000 point scores.

The result of which, of course, is that I need to find more time in the day to play, so that my initials can re-join the high score list.


To celebrate Mike and Sheila's return to the Bay Area from South Africa, we went on a tour of the Scharffen Berger Chocolate Factory:

Chocolate being born

I can't remember the name of the machine pictured, but it uses granite rollers on two axes, to grind the cacau (a.k.a. cocoa) bits into a fine goo. It was one of the many machines that we saw on the tour, which was super-awesome by the way. I went there not planning on buying any chocolate, and of course, I ended up buying three bars.

I dig the fact that the break out the cacau content of their chocolate, and that they make a really dark chocolate (82%). Apparently, I am somewhat in the minority for liking dark chocolate, but hey, I knows what I likes.

All of the pictures that I took are up. This tour is definitely recommended if you are up in the Berkeley, CA area.


Zoey, 13 weeks


Snapped another picture of Chris and Tanya's (well, mostly Tanya's) puppy Zoey on Saturday:


With the number of pictures that I'm taking, you would think that she is my dog. :)


Birthday dinner


I had my birthday dinner this evening, at a Chicago-style pizza place called Patxi's in downtown Palo Alto:

L-R: Kalpana, Pratima, me, Anjali, Kevin, Chris, and Tanya

The food was good (Chicago is still bringing the one true, however), and the company was excellent.


Today's stupid human trick


Today at work, we had a going away lunch for John (he announced this week that he is leaving EDS, his last day being Friday). The supplier-of-cake on our team (Beth), brought it some micro-cakes today, I guess as a combination of support for my birthday and John's going away.

Anyways, the cake that I selected was sortof like a tall cylinder. Finding the knife and fork method to be ineffective for this particular cake, I put my creative thinking hat on, and just went for it:


As an astonished Dung and Shreyas looked on, I was glad to be able to provide entertainment for my team. I am clearly not being paid enough for all of the contributions that I am making at the office. Or, I am quite possibly being paid too much. It could go either way, really.


I didn't think it was possible (nobody thought it was possible), but coffee is a hospitable environment for mold:


Let's give a big round of applause to my roommate Kevin, for making this all possible. :)


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