Photo: June 2005 Archives

Me, Justin, Sarah, and Chris:


Steve and Ginger

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Steve and his new wife Ginger, cutting the cake:


Those damn Erie boys...


While Sarah, Justin, Chris and myself were the only representatives of Steve's friends from CWRU, there was quite a strong high school contingent. Steve's friends from high school are pretty great -- really funny, spontaneous, and tight-knit. Luckily, we got to sit at their table (table 27 out of 9 total tables). Sometimes we took part in the antics, other times, we just captured them:

L-R: John, Tom, Rob, and Ryan. Horizontal: Steve


Chris doin' schomthin' schtoopid


A picture of Chris, from when we were on a mission for snacks while hanging out at Sarah and Justin's hotel after the wedding:


Wacky fun.


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