Photo: April 2005 Archives

My coworker buys a Porsche


The big hubbub at work today was that my coworker, Dung Ngo, bought a new car over the weekend:


Yes, that isn't just "any" car. It is a 1997 Porsche 993 Carrera. Dung is something of a Porsche aficionado, and spent 6 months searching for this car online. He was quite particular about the car that he wanted -- 1997 or older (to get the air cooled engine), low mileage, and in good condition. Well, he finally found one that met his criteria last week, so on Friday, he flew down to Texas in order to buy it. He then proceeded to drive 2000 miles in 2 days, driving back to the Bay Area.

Dung is so totally my hero. And the car is totally awesome. I posted all of the pictures that I took in this gallery.


Mission Peak - Group


The group from today's hike to the top of Mission Peak:


From L-R: Elizabeth, Mike, Will, Mariko, and me.

The hike was pretty good. With all of the rain that we have gotten this year, everything was green (in a few months, the land will be arid). Also, we hiked up a different way -- up the side, which is much different from the western-facing trail that I normally take. I think I liked it better -- there were more trees then on the western trail. Shade is good.

Mission Peak - East Bay


A shot of the east bay:


Fooling around with macro mode


Stan was fooling around with my camera today, trying to show me how to better utilize the macro mode. He took this picture of the remote to my DVD player, that I kindof liked:


Top of the lift


A mountain view, from the top of one of the ski lifts at Sierra-at-Tahoe:


I posted all of the pictures that I took last weekend in this gallery.


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