Photo: February 2005 Archives

I still don't know how to use my camera, like at all, but Stan showed me a few things about it, and I'm getting better. I finally pulled off what I think is a decent night time picture of the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco:


The photo is still a little blurry, but way better than what I have been taking to date. The secret of this shot was that I balanced the camera on something solid -- like a makeshift tripod, so that it remained steady during the long exposure time.

I was out doing the tourist-like thing with Anjali and her friend Eva yesterday. We hit Tennessee Valley, the aforementioned palace, North Beach, and Ghiradelli. Not a bad way to spend your Saturday afternoon/evening. The weather even held as well -- we got rained on during our final trek from Ghiradelli to the car, but that was it.


Stan's Birthday

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So, Stan recently turned 26, and so to celebrate, we all went down to S.F. last weekend and treated him to dinner:


The restaurant was an Indian joint called Rasoi. It was pretty good, which is starting to freak me out a little bit. I was really not about the whole Indian food thing when I moved out to California. Now I've been here almost two years, and while I won't say that I actually like Indian food -- it certainly isn't as terrible as it once seemed. And in fact, in the span of the last month, I've had Indian a total of 3 times. Amazing! The California virus lives on. When are we going to have a cure for that?


Posted Pictures


I have finally put up some pictures from my recent travels:

That is all.


"Trink Coke"



I took this photo at a brew pup, where the extended EDS team all went for dinner on Wednesday night. It was quite a large affair (at least 27 EDSers), and we all ran up quite a bill. Of course, because I don't drink (not even in Germany), I only had two cokes. So, I'm still a cheap date.


Just like "The Terminal"

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The opening credits for "The Terminal" are done in the style of olde-timey analog information board. I didn't think that these were still used, but lo and behold, Frankfort airport has a gigantic one. And I must say, it is really neat when the letters change.


The National Theatre at night


I managed to get a pretty decent (for me anyway) picture of the National Theatre in London at night:



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