Photo: September 2004 Archives

Stumph Invasion

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We had a whole lotta Stumphs in the Bay Area this weekend. Anjali, Stan, Pratima and I joined Kevin, his dad, and his sister Meg for dim sum at the Hong Kong Flour Lounge in Milbrae. It was pretty cool.


The coast



This is another picture from when we hiked to the coast a few weeks ago. I will give it up for California in one respect -- it doesn have some serious natural beauty going on.


Tennessee Valley Hike, afterwards



I know that Anjali has already posted this picture on her page, but I wanted to post it on my blog, consarnit. Kevin, Anjali, Stan, me and Pratima (from L-R) all went on a hike on the Tennessee Valley trailhead all the way back on the 11th. It was a pretty fun day, with plenty of Stanjali action. The reason why I'm not posting about this hike until now, however, is because iPhoto ate itself when I tried to upload the pictures from the hike, and I'm just getting around to fixing it now. But fix it I did, so I can get back to posting pictures on my blog again.


Norway is like, the most beautiful country ever

I believe that this was photo was taken from the Flam Railway, which was an incredible train ride through some really beautiful country. Norway is great like that.


Monica's family boat


Monica's family boat

Chee Wai's girlfriend, Hong Eng, recently sent me a few photos from our trip to Norway. I am still experimenting with this iPhoto/blog integration, so I thought that I would post one. This is a shot of Monica's (Fredrik's girlfriend) family boat. It is a pretty cool boat, and Monica's father and uncle used it to give us a tour of the Lofoten Islands and Rost. It was all really swell of them, and one of the highlights of the trip.


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