OSCON 2005: July 2005 Archives

Welcome to OSCON 2005


Whelp, I have finally arrived:


Aside from barely making my flight in Pittsburgh this morning (crazy long lines at the ticket counter and security), my travel today was smooth. I checked into the hotel, grabbed some lunch and supplies, and then registered for OSCON. Tomorrow is going to be busy: there are several tutorials that I want to hop between. And when I have any spare time, I need to prepare for my blogging BOF. :)


OSCON: I'm hosting a BOF!

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It's that time of year again: O'Reilly's Open Source Convention starts next week. I'm going again this year, and as I was perusing the list of BOFs the other day, I noticed that there weren't any dealing with my current hot-button issue, blogging. So, I done volunteered to host one, and the suckers at O'Reilly fell for it.

Yup, I'm hosting "The blogging BOF". I''m pretty excited about this prospect, but also more than a little nervous. I'm not planning on preparing too much for it (which is good, because I don't have a lot of time), but still, I'm worried that it's going to be all awkward silence and nervous coughs. So, if you're going to be at the conference, please come and join me, because a BOF is only as strong as its participants.


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This page is a archive of entries in the OSCON 2005 category from July 2005.

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