Music: October 2004 Archives
After seeing Garden State, I was totally hooked on the song that they used to great effect at the end of the film. This song has also been used in commercials promoting the film, and I also heard it on a promo for "the Gilmore Girls". What song is this, you ask? The title is "Let Go", by a band called "Frou Frou". So, I determined that it was on their album "Details", and managed to track down a copy of his disc at Rasputin music in Berkeley over a month ago.
I've had time to digest this album, and unfortunately the rest of the disc isn't as strong as "Let Go". While there are some decent songs, taken as a whole, the album is only average -- not terrible, but not super-awesome-fantastic-great either. I think that if you are really into bands like Everything But The Girl, Esthero, or possibly even Dido -- then Frou Frou should be right up your alley. But if not, you might just want to buy "Let Go" off of iTunes and move on.