Movies: September 2005 Archives


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So, today, I flew from San Jose, California to Chicago, Illinois, just so I could see Joss Whedon's big new movie, "Serenity". I wanted to see it with the only other "Firefly" fan that I know*, Sara. We went to the 12:01 AM showing, which means we are totally hardcore about this moving, foregoing sleep to see it as soon as possible on release.

I purposefully skipped all of the test screenings, becuase I wanted to see it as Joss intended it to be seen. And I religiously avoided spoilers, because I wanted to be surprised.

And I can say, without a doubt, that surprised I was.

For fans of the show, the movie was great. It was an excellent continuation of the show and the characters -- nearly a perfect love letter to fans (I'll get to why it is only "nearly" perfect in the spoiler-laden extended entry). For non-fans, people who are new to the Firefly universe, I'm not sure how it will play. The movie is really funny, has great action, and never drags. But, the full weight of what the characters are going through will be lost on those that haven't seen the show.

So, I'm not sure, it could go either way with non-fans. If you are into sci-fi action comedies, you should definitely see this movie. If you are just into sci-fi, or just action, you should still see it.

Basically, you should just go and see this movie. It's mostly great.

Read on for the one spoiler-laden thing that isn't great, and that I have to get off my chest.


* Only other Firefly fan that I know in the lower 48 -- sorry Fredrik!

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