Linux: October 2004 Archives

Linux Tivo Update


So, I have finally gotten the remote control that came with my TV capture card working in MythTV. It turns out it was pilot error on my part -- I missed a step during the install. This should be pretty nice, because up until this point, I have been using Sara's old USB keyboard from her Blue & White G3 to control the thing. It works, but I have to sit kindof close to the TV, and the keyboard is a wee bit bulkier than a remote control.

So, in general, I've been pretty happy with the MythTV & Linux combo. I can't really compare how this stacks up against Tivo, since I have never owned a Tivo, but having watched Chris drive his Tivo, my guess is that Tivo provides a better user experience than MythTV. But MythTV has the extra features that I want -- a fantastic web UI, and the ability to easily export recorded video in a highly compressed format. Read on for the mind-numbing details of where I plan to go with this project next.

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