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My new car


After a long search, a long deliberation process, a lot of procrastination, and finally a wait for the car to be assembled, it is finally here:

My new Volvo S40

I was forced to buy it after work, because I was out of town last weekend. So, by the time I finally got it, the sun had been down for a very long time (it took about 3.5 hours at the dealer in order to seal the deal). So I took some pictures this morning before work. This turned out to be a pretty smart thing to do -- because it was raining this evening up in San Mateo, so just like that, my new car is already dirty. :)

So far, I am pleased with my purchase. But I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say once I drive it more. Right now, I'm just in that stage of super-paranoia, waiting for that first scratch and/or ding. ;)



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As a companion to my last post, here is a picture of my new car's instrument panel, taken before I drove it off of the lot:

20 miles

That "20" on the lower right of the bottom display is the odometer. So, factoring the immediate depreciation of driving a brand new car off of the lot, combined with the money that I paid for it, made yesterday a very expensive day! :)


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