January 2008 Archives

  • macosxhints.com - An AppleScript to send from NetNewsWire 3.1.1 to Tumblr: Another way to integrate NNW with the rest of the web

  • TechCrunch’s CEO Heather Harde On The GigaOM Show: No description submitted.

  • The Fishbowl: Heavier than Air: Some great writing about the new MacBook Air - I remain unconvinced that this product will be a hit for Apple, but the quote "I think the step that Apple is taking with the MacBook Air is much like the one they took when they decided to ship the iMac with

  • macosxhints.com - An AppleScript to send from NetNewsWire 3.1.1 to Tumblr: Another way to integrate NNW with the rest of the web

    TechCrunch’s CEO Heather Harde On The GigaOM Show: No description submitted.

    The Fishbowl: Heavier than Air: Some great writing about the new MacBook Air - I remain unconvinced that this product will be a hit for Apple, but the quote "I think the step that Apple is taking with the MacBook Air is much like the one they took when they decided to ship the iMac with

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!
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    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!
    This is a second linel

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!
    This is a second linel

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!

    This is the body of the message. The message is the body, the body is the message!


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    Let's pretend that this is a link from del.icio.us. Link!
    I'm trying to test out MT templates and CSS design with this blog. I'm going to import some entries from my real blog, and see if I can get things styled right. I also want to stop using the formatting that I've been doing, and go for something like Markdown.