The CWRUnet Reliability Initiative
This document aims to establish a "Reliability Initiative" for CWRUnet. We wish to see the focus for further CWRUnet development shift from the current emphasis on cutting-edge technology to more proven, stable technologies. This shift will increase the reliability of CWRUnet, and as such will enable it to be more useful for the entire university population.
Beyond HTML, these documents have also been encoded in both Microsoft Word '97 (DOC) and PostScript formats. These two file formats facilitate easy printing, and also present their data in a more 'true-to-life' form. In order to take advantage of the Word '97 file, the Microsoft Word Viewer is needed. The PostScript version can easily be printed to on-campus printers, either via Netprint or ftp.
We welcome your input. Please sumbit any questions and or comments to:
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Entire Document:
- Microsoft Word '97 Format (~47Kb)
- Normal PostScript (~191Kb)
August 25, 1998.