Links for Saturday July 18th, 2009
[daily dose of imagery] tiny: Love this photo.
Apple market share up or down, depending on who you ask - Ars Technica: I read a couple of different reports about Apple's market share this week, and I'm not sure what to believe. I seem to recall from Q2, however, that Apple's North American business wasn't as strong, and that it was Europe who pulled Apple's quarterly numbers out of the fire. So Tuesday's Q3 call with analysts could be quite interesting.
Electronista | Photos of Ottawa's Apple store opening: It's kindof crazy that the opening of a new Apple store is still able to generate this much excitement. I wonder if there will be lines like this when Microsoft opens its stores?
" the time the store opened the line was long enough to leave the mall itself, winding around the street." | Tech Blog | App stores are not the future, says Google: I think that this is probably true.
Microsoft's Ad Campaigns: Have They Changed Your Mind? - BusinessWeek: While I actually don't think that Microsoft's new ads are all that great, the first comment on this blog post really sums up the state of home computing, circa 2009.