So little to show

Like every other self-respecting Apple geek, instead of doing what I was supposed to do this weekend, I was instead knee-deep in the newly released iPhone SDK. After watching Steve & co. deliver the news about the API, I was inspired to give it a shot. I mean, Scott Forstall made it look so easy to create a new application on stage - surely, if I spent a weekend at it, I should be able to get something basic going. Well, after two days of slogging around in the API, this is what I have produced:

A shot of the iPhone simulator, showing... nothing?!?!

My code really is running in the simulator, honest. It's supposed to be showing the standard iPhone image picker, but instead it is just throwing that blue bar up at the top of the display, and then going inert.

That basically sums up the weekend - I was basically in a state of total confusion. Whenever I thought I had things figured out, something crazy would happen and plunge me back into confusion. I'm hoping to continue to plug away at my little app, but at this point, I'm pretty stuck. :(
