Experimenting with adding links to my blog

As Rushabh has already spilled the beans - I've been talking for awhile about integrating more of my online life with my blog. The first project that I've had the time to implement is link blogging - the previous post was generated by some Python code that I wrote.

My basic idea is that every day, I come across hundreds of potentially interesting links in the 80ish RSS feeds that I subscribe to in NetNewsWire. Of these links, there are a small subset of which that I find to be interesting - so interesting, that I actually read the content pointed to by said link. Of that tiny set, there is an even smaller set of articles that I feel are interesting enough, that I have a little something to add. So, I want to track these "special" articles (and my thoughts around why they are special) in my blog.

NetNewsWire has a helpful function where it can post an open URL to Yahoo's del.icio.us social bookmarking service. So, whenever I come across an interesting article, I use NetNewsWire to post it to del.icio.us, and I give it a special tag - "myblog". Then, once a day, the script that I have written uses the del.icio.us API and fetches all of the links that are tagged as "myblog", formats them appropriately, and posts them to my Movable Type instance (leveraging the code that I wrote for that).

But like I said in the subject, this is something that I'm experimenting with. There probably won't be new links every day. In addition, I'm not sure what frequency will be appropriate. But I want to try these links out as blog posts, so that they appear in my main RSS feed. My overall goal is to make the RSS feed of my blog the one feed for all of my online activities that I want to share. Instead of forcing people to subscribe to multiple feeds (which isn't going to happen), I want to dump all of the important stuff into one feed. That's the goal, anyway - now it's up to me to find the time to implement it. :)
