The Nike+iPod kadoodle

So, I have a bit of a blogging backlog to work though -- things that I have wanted to blog about, but haven't had time time in front of the computer to get to. One of those things is the Nike+iPod thingy that I got for Christmas. So far, I have been using it faithfully whenever I go out for a run, and have logged these overall results:

32 runs. 77.4 miles. 9'13\

True to the hype, not only does the iPod keep track of your stats while running, but it syncs those stats with iTunes, which in turn uploads them to Nike's special website, where you can play around with your run data:


The primary reason why I wanted to get this Nike+iPod kadoodle is as a motivation aid, to help me run more. I am decently motivated to go and and make with the running (as you can see from the above graph), but I have plateau'd at about 2.5 miles per run. I need to start going for longer runs, and I was hoping that this little thingy would motivate me to do that.

Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet. This isn't exactly a failing of the iPod system -- but rather a defect of when I find time to run. It is usually after work (which is pretty late now - like 8:30 PM), and so I'm usually pretty tired and hungry from the long day, and I don't have the will power to go longer.

What this iPod diddly-oodle has got me doing, however, is running faster. Since I can now see what my run time and average pace are, I'm now trying to beat that. My best so far is covering the 2.5 mile route that I run in just a shade under 20 minutes.

Hopefully at some point, I'll start covering greater distances, too.
