Notes from Startup School - Ali and Hadi Partovi

Ali Partovi - Founder, iLike
Hadi Partovi - President, iLike

Ali and Hadi Partovi at Startup School 2007
Ali and Hadi Partovi at Startup School 2007.

Is my idea a winner? better metric is the team or group of people


  1. listen to customers, identify with them. critical to actually listen to them yourself.
  2. rank top problems most critical to success - rank top people, assign top people to top problems (for bigger companies). delegating effectively
  3. make frugality and profitability part of your culture. avoid a luxurious environment. cut spending anywhere you can.
  4. move quickly. make decisions fast! avoid committees. avoid 12-month development projects.
  5. have a strong CEO. best sales person, outward person as CEO.
  6. FOCUS - can't afford to be spread thin when company is small.
  7. hire great people. judging people is most important skill you can learn in business.
