Daring Fireball @ MWSF 2007

Right before seeing Kevin Smith today at MacWorld, it came to my attention that John Gruber was going to be giving a talk. So, I re-jiggered my plans, and attended:

Cabel Sasser and John Gruber @ MWSF 2007
Cabel Sasser and John Gruber @ MWSF 2007

The talk was basically John and his friend Cabel (whom he has only met in person "one other time") talking about today's Stevenote, Apple, and Panic Inc. I took some rough notes for the portion where they were talking about Apple's announcements from today:

[about the iPhone:] OS on the phone is being called "OS X", they dropped the "Mac".

CS: Are they trying to differentiate between full Mac OS X that runs on macs and the slimmed down version on the phone?

JG: dropped mac so as to not scare windows users away from phone.

CS: side note about phone - can we write 3rd party apps for the phone? Apple isn't saying.

JG: Price?
CS: if you look at what it does, and capabilities, price is pretty good. If you think about it, the first iPod was pretty expensive. It's gotta start high.

JG: It wasn't too long ago that Apple was selling $499 iPods (highest capacity model, probably didn't have highest sales).

JG: What do you think about touch + gestures?
CS: Crazy to think about - something we're never thought about before. Would be amazing to see this go to the powerbook line. Going back to GUI interface design, been watching the iPhone videos over and over, and looking at the amazing things that Apple is doing, pushing the envelope.

JG: "the pinch" really seems natural, something I would have never thought of. Double tapping looks interesting as well.

JG: Only other product announced today is apple tv, what do you thing?
CS: I bought a Tivo series 3, which is way too expensive ($800), but since I have all og this content over the air already
JG: wink wink, nudge nudge at pirated content? who is buying all this content [off of iTunes]? not going to get rid of cable tv, all these shows are already coming in.
CS: specs indicate that it [Apple TV] requires hd tv

I probably could have done better with the notes, but the sleep deprivation was hitting me pretty hard at this point. Overall, I'm glad that I went -- the discussion was insightful, and is probably going to drive some blog posts out of me (in fact, the one about iPhone applications came as a direct result from attending this talk).
