New Job: The Commute

One of the aspects of the new job that I wasn't looking forward to is the commute. About two weeks ago, we relocated to our new office which is in San Mateo, just across the border from Foster City. According to Google, this is "only" 22.4 miles from my apartment in Sunnyvale. However, I have been finding that to get to and from work, I have to go by Palo Alto, which almost always gets me stuck in traffic.

In true California fashion, however, I'm finding that the traffic, while slow, isn't actually all that bad, and my commute is taking about 30 minutes each way, on average. Until today, that is.

For some reason, it was raining today when I wanted to leave the office. It usually doesn't rain in October, but this is the second time that it has rained this month (the first being on Sunday). Well, in the Bay Area, rain (any amount of it) makes everything go slower. And true to form, when I checked the traffic report before heading out, all I saw on the roads that I wanted to take was red.

I tried experimenting with my trip home, cutting over to 280 via some back-roads, but it was to no avail. It still took me nearly an hour to get home. :(

So, it is looking more and more like I'll be moving out of Sunnyvale once Kevin's and my lease is up in April.
