WWDC06: Day One Wrapup

A combination of little sleep and getting "blasted with the information firehose" means that I am extremely tired right now. Tired, but satisfied. Will and I managed to get pretty close to the stage for the keynote - we were slightly right of center, and less than 15 rows away. And while the format of this year's keynote was a little odd (lots of speakers divvied up the work), I am pleased with what Apple announced. With the new Mac Pro, Apple has not only fixed a number of classic gripes with the old G5-based Power Mac, but they also appear to be providing some decent value to boot. While the comparison with Dell that Phil Schiller made in the keynote wasn't totally above board (the Dell was configured with a super-expensive graphics card -- shame on you Apple), it seems like Apple's new Mac Pro is going to be cheaper than a similarly priced Dell. And that is pretty amazing, when you think about it.

I am running the Leopard Developer Preview on my PowerBook right now, and at this stage, the amount of change over Tiger is fairly subtle. As Steve Jobs said in the keynote - Apple is doing things a bit differently this year, and keeping some of the upcoming features of Leopard close to their chest. So, I suspect that when we do finally get the final build of Leopard, things are going to be quite a bit different than the Developer Preview.


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