And in other news...

A long, long time ago, I made reference to the fact that I was working on two projects. One of which, I could talk about (Mario Kart), and the other, which I couldn't. Well, I am happy to announce that I can finally talk about the other project that I have been working on.

I have found a new job, and I have quit EDS.

It has been a long, sometimes arduous road in between when I decided to leave EDS (October of 2005) and now. I have gone down a lot of false trails, applied to a ton of jobs, and generally performed a very exhaustive search. It is too bad that I couldn't blog about all of the pit-falls and wrong turns -- because I think it could have made for rather interesting reading.

Nevertheless, the capsule summary is that the job market (at least in the Bay Area) is doing pretty well -- I was almost never at a loss for interesting jobs to apply to. However, it is also quite competitive - companies are still being very picky with who the bring onboard. But, the bottom line is that things today are nowhere near as bad as the job market was in 2002.

Anyways, I'm pretty scared/intimidated/excited/anxious. I am definitely doing what I need to be doing, and shaking things up, and introducing a fair amount of change into my life. However, while I know that change is ultimately good for me, that doesn't mean that I necessarily like going through it. I should be in for a pretty interesting couple of months, when I start my new job in early September.
