dog nose
So, I am back from my extended weekend in Wheaton:

It was a pretty good trip, very relaxing. I actually had time to just sit around and do nothing, which can be a nice change of pace. Aside from seeing the aforementioned "Serenity", I also saw "Flightplan" and "Transporter 2". Flightplan was okay -- a reasonable suspense movie. And while Transporter 2 wasn't as good as the first one, it still provided some solid popcorn entertainment. Serenity, of course, ruled them all.
I also took a bunch of pictures of downtown Wheaton, as well as my parents house, and of course, Scout, that I will try and post soon. And while I haven't had a chance to post this yet, the Yosemite pictures are in fact online (although they are not annotated how I would like yet).
So much to do, so little time...