January 10, 2006

One more thing...

Apple tried really, really hard to shoe-horn a G5 into a PowerBook, but couldn't do it. According to Steve, the low-power G5 actually had less performance than the G4, when compared on a power/watt basis.

Announcing new notebook computer, called the MacBook Pro. Replaces PowerMac. Has Intel CoreDuo chip (same as iMac). Every MacBook pro will be dual-processors. 4-5X faster than PowerBook G4! 4.5X faster integer, 5X faster FP.

Fastest and thinnest Mac notebook ever. 15.4" widescreen. As bright as cinema display. Built-in iSight camera! Wow! Also have IR sensor and Apple Remote. Includes Front Row.

Another cool feature - MagSafe. Snap-out power cord, if you trip over the cord, it yanks. Held in magnetically, so if you trip over the cord, it pulls right out. No pins to break! Sweet!

1 inch thin, 5.6 lbs. Retains backlit keyboard, scrolling trackpad, sudden motion sensor, DVI out (can drive 30" display), Digital optical+analog in/out.

$2k model with 1.67GHz core duo, radeon X1600, 80Gb, 512Mb, new ExpressCard slot (next gen PCMCIA?). And $2500 model which has faster processor, bigger HD, etc.

Shipping in February. Taking orders today.


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Posted by andyr at January 10, 2006 10:38 AM