Andy Reitz (blog)



JavaOne: TS-7695: Spring Application Framework

Agile J2EE: where do we want to go?
  • Need to produce high quality apps, faster and at lower cost
  • cope with changing requirements (waterfall not an option)
  • need to simplify programming model (reduce complexity rather than hide with tools)
  • J2EE powerful, but complicated
Agile J2EE: Why important?
  • Survival: challenges from .NET, and PHP/Ruby at low end
  • Concerns that J2EE dev is slow and expensive
Why aren't we there yet?
  • Difficult to test traditional J2EE app
  • EJB's really tie code to runtime framework, hard to test w/o
  • Simply too much code, much is glue code (I concur, based on my experience with a J2EE portal in EDS)
  • Heavyweight runtime environment -- in order to test, need to deploy
Enter Lightweight Containers:
  • frameworks central to modern J2EE development
  • frameworks capture generic functionality, for solving common problems
  • J2EE out of box doesn't provide a complete programming model
  • Result is many in-house frameworks (expensive to maintain and develop, hard to share code)
Open Source Frameworks
  • Responsible for much of the innovation in the last 2-3 years
  • Several projects aim to simply development experience and remove excessive complexity from the developer's view
  • Easy to tell which ones are popular; driven by collective developer experience (refined, powerful, best-of-breed)
  • Tapping into "collective experience" of developers
How do Lightweight Containers work?
  • Inversion of Control/Dependency Injection (sophisticated configuration of POJOs)
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
    • provide declarative services to POJOs
    • can get POJOs working with special features, JMX, etc.
What is Inversion of Control?
  • hollywood principle - don't call me, I'll call you
  • framework calls your code, not the reverse
What is Dependency Injection?
  • specialization of Inversion of Control
  • container injects dependencies into object instances using java methods
  • a.k.a. push configuration -- object gets configuration, doesn't know where it came from
  • decouples object from configuration from environment. Values get pushed in at runtime, so it is easy to run object in test or prod.
Why is Dependency Injection different?
  • configuration requires no container API
  • can use existing code that has no knowledge of container
  • your code can evolve independently of container code
  • easy to unit test (no JNDI stub, or properties files to monkey around with)
  • code is self-documenting
Advanced Dependency Injection:
  • shared instance, pooling
  • lifecycle tied to container objects
  • maps, sets, other complex types
  • type conversion with property editors
  • instantiation via factory methods
  • FactoryBean adds level of indirection; configured by framework, and returns objects based upon that configuration.
What is AOP?
  • paradigm for modularizing cross-cutting code (code that would otherwise be scattered across multiple places)
  • think about interception
  • callers invoke proxy, chain of interceptors decorate that call with additional functionality, callee finally invoked, and return passes back through chain
  • idea for transaction management and security
  • enabling technology, for defining own services, and applying them to POJOs.
Incremental AOP
  • think of it as a generic way similar to how EJB implemented
  • can be implemented with dynamic proxies
DI + AOP delivers POJO ideal
  • configure objects w/o invasive API
Spring Framework
  • OSS project, apache 2 license
  • Aims:
    • simplify J2EE development
    • provide a comprehensive solution to developing applications built on POJOs.
    • aims to address all sorts of applications, large banking, or small in-house
  • easy to work with JDBC, Hibernated, transaction management, etc.
  • consistency makes Spring more than sum of its parts.
  • don't need to deploy, can all run from within IDE if desired.