May 25, 2005

Another post about work

I found out today that another person on my team is resigning.

There are a number of dimensions to being "satisfied at work". Basically, I see it as being either "the technology, "the mission", or "the team". If I were super-interested in what I was doing technically, then I could have a really great time of work, irrespective of whether-or-not the work mattered, or if I found working with my co-workers gratifying.

The reason why I have stayed at EDS this long has been mostly for "the team". The technology and mission components certainly exist, but I really like my co-workers: we're a tight-knit bunch, we stimulate each other intellectually, and balance each other out pretty well with our strengths and weaknesses. On the upside, this has made the work environment pretty great. On the downside, when people decide to leave, it because a bigger kick-in-the-pants than usual.

So, at this point, I'm pretty-much wondering when I'm going to have to pull the eject lever for myself. It's certainly shaping up to be an interesting summer, indeed.


Posted by andyr at May 25, 2005 8:55 PM

Its a long shot, but if you ever, even for a moment, consider working for the empire, let me know.

Posted by: Rushabh at May 27, 2005 11:00 AM