February 24, 2005

Stan's Birthday

So, Stan recently turned 26, and so to celebrate, we all went down to S.F. last weekend and treated him to dinner:


The restaurant was an Indian joint called Rasoi. It was pretty good, which is starting to freak me out a little bit. I was really not about the whole Indian food thing when I moved out to California. Now I've been here almost two years, and while I won't say that I actually like Indian food -- it certainly isn't as terrible as it once seemed. And in fact, in the span of the last month, I've had Indian a total of 3 times. Amazing! The California virus lives on. When are we going to have a cure for that?


Posted by andyr at February 24, 2005 12:25 AM

I remember when you wouldn't even go to a Chinese restaurant in college and now you like Indian! I'm impressed!

Posted by: Liz at February 25, 2005 12:53 PM