June 22, 2004

my life -- packed up

This saturday, I'm moving to a new (to me) apartment, so that means that this machine, and all of the blogs, pictures, and name games that it hosts, are going to be down for awhile. It hurts, but there's not any way around it -- the new place doesn't have Comcast, and I'm of the mind to switch to DSL anyway. But I'm sure there is going to be some lag time between when I order the DSL and it is actually passing traffic. Until that time, redefine.dyndns.org is going to be down. So, no more blog posts from me for awhile.


Posted by andyr at June 22, 2004 11:41 PM

Hey- did you see my post? We are going out of town for a few days, won't be back till Sunday. I'm not sure what e-mail to send things to you. Would like to do dinner. I'm totally frree the night of July 8th. E-mail me your phone number and I'll call when we get back in town.

Posted by: Liz at June 23, 2004 05:16 AM
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